Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Monday, October 1, 2012

Gibraltar at last --- And una tormenta (RAIN ~)

Excitement was slow to rein in as we began our road trip to Gibraltar.  The rain was heavy and clouds were black but we drove on.  We were told the rain was the heaviest in Spain since 1947 and we were able to enjoy the weather history.  Lucky, weren't we?  HOWEVER, we wanted to see Gibraltar --- the 'rock' our ancestors focused on as they dragged their bags, trunks and children toward the pier.  The signs led the way.

Rain continued and thunder struck loudly -- frightening and close ~
Steven fought the wheel and speeding drivers on the E-15 (toll road that cost nearly 20 euros to get there...)

We saw the mountain, drove up to the British gate and stood still in traffic over an hour.  The rain pounded.
After quiet deliberation, it was decided we'd seen the rock.  Let's go home...

But, not before we saw Marbella, the very elegant resort beach town along the Costa del Sol -- the sun peeked out of the clouds just a bit and we were exhausted from the rainy trip.  Marbella has the feel of richness and class.  The buildings close to the beach shone against the meager sunshine and the puddles of water lingered...  We walked some miles on the boardwalk until it disappeared and ocher sand took us a bit farther.  Marbella even sounds musical and my heart felt it sing.

Little birds flitted across the chair backs and along the floor.  Steven tried to get their attention and they seemed to stare, wondering about us..  We ate Gazpacho Andaluz and salad with Sangria.  We were feeling the warm sunshine among the black clouds that kept pushing it aside but another adventure was pushed into our time in Spain so far from home.

Gibraltar and Marbella will remain such sweet memories.

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