Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Spanish Immigrant Ships 1907-1913

At one time, I was a newbie to genealogy and started at the bottom and worked up from genealogy classes, libraries, court houses, email, letters, and the Spanish community both in the USA and in Spain.  I met with a genealogist in Seville and since that time, I have found several wonderful Spanish contacts who have become friends.

Over the past few years, I have been contacted by various family historians and descendants of Spanish immigrants who want to become their family's historian.  As a passionate genealogist myself, it always surprises me to feel excitement sparkle off the computer when a note arrives asking me for help.  Many of the questions are such as, Where can I find a list of people on those immigration ships?  Where did they go?  Do you know what plantations they lived on when they arrived in Hawaii?  

I often try to help them as much as I can and tell them about the Spain to Hawaii Project that can be accessed through Hawaiian Spaniards Facebook site.  I also include a link to my Q&A page from my website at and if I do not answer their specific question, I encourage them to send me an email from the contact form on my website.

Do not give up if you've hit a brick wall and think you just cannot find your family because one day you may find that tiny clue that will lead you to the answers (and a boatload of more questions.)

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