Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Monday, August 10, 2015


A NEW PROJECT for our Spanish descendants ~

VACAVILLE TOWN CENTER LIBRARY (Meeting Room) - AUGUST 20 at 5:00 - 9:00. James Fernandez is a professor from NYC who is co-author of Invisible Immigrants, the photo book about all the Spaniards history forgot. He is going to be in Vacaville area next week to interview, scan documents and photos and listen to ancestral stories. I wish I could attend, but alas --- I cannot be there. As I understand it, there will be an informal presentation of his new project with a Meet & Greet time. There will be scheduling of interviews and scanning sessions of photos and documents with stories from Spanish descendant's archives. James will be interviewing descendants in the area Friday and Saturday, so please try to attend Thursday night or contact him if you can do that at the Hawaiian Spaniards or Spanish Immigrants in America FB sites (or send me a note). I have asked one of my aunts to be part of the interview process to discuss our ancestors and my fingers are crossed that she agrees... There are so many boxes filled with documents like the above image, photos and stories floating around in the older generation's heads and James Fernandez wants to hear about them, see their faces and hear their stories. He doesn't want history to forget them.

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