Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas / Feliz Navidad for the Silvan & Ruiz families

Whenever I hear the Christmas song, "Feliz Navidad" I think of my grandma (abuelita) because she loved the tune and her body danced in her chair when she heard it. She loved music! As do I and so many of our family members. Her father played that drum he couldn't leave behind in Spain that he called 'la bomba' and she loved to dance like her mother and cousins... Abuelita even danced with a group of children on board the SS ORTERIC for more food! The little girls would troop to the galley and dance 'la jota' for the cook they called "Captain Finne'. They called him this because he would enjoy the music and dance and then most often tell them there were no more potatoes left! They'd danced for his enjoyment only and he'd laugh at their faces when he'd tell them 'they are gone, finished' so Captain Finne he became.

Abuelita's love for her music followed many of her children and grandchildren too. I remember as a child I was sure if I was ever marooned on an island I'd be fine with lots of books to read (and my glasses) and music. Dancing came later and I loved it...especially since my mother's love of music and dancing infused the spark in me and my brothers also. So, from both sides of our family we had MUSIC and more MUSIC ~

Now, during the holidays as I hear FELIZ NAVIDAD across the air waves, I see abuelita dancing in her chair again and clapping her hands. So many reasons to be thankful for the season and this is just one of mine.

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