Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Treasure Box just waiting to be opened!

The term 'waiting on pins and needles' has always made me smile. Who would do such a thing anyway? Accidentally maybe... but on purpose? I'm rethinking the scenario today as I scratch off the days until this coming weekend. That's the number of days before I will know what is in the treasure box that has been stashed on a shelf in cousin Dorothy's house! Her granddaughter and daughter will gaze inside the box with her this weekend. Her grandsons visited her a few days ago, pulled it down for her, placing it in a place where she could seek and enjoy the depths without the fears of falling off the ladder to do so.
As I think about it, I keep coming back to the main theme I have had with my cousin, Vicki G., for many months! WHEN and WHERE did her grandmother and grandfather marry in Hawaii all those years ago? It is imperative to my book so I can craft the timeline into my own grandmother's story, Manuela's Petals. Could the information be in the box? Pictures? Documents?
The art and fun of genealogy continues to grip me in its wondrous grasp. Even though continuing to research the Silvan history is on the back burner until I find more information during my trip to Spain next Spring, I get so excited with every tiny gem of information I receive NOW.
Then, there's the Chubb and Hubbard family on my mother's side...My cousin, Tess, and I continue to blend our findings and she's a whiz on the phone...receiving wonderful facts and new information all the time. Last week, I received two emails from strangers who turned out to be my first cousins! On the family trees do not always post a name, so a contact email goes out into the universe asking how I am related! Wonders will never cease in this endeavor. How can anyone NOT want to know about their family history!!?
I've taken a few side trips from genealogy the past couple of weeks though. I have become a mulch spreader, a tractor driver, a weed puller, an editor and a point counter from a Weight Watcher's book. (Thanks, Sophia!)
Life is good.

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