Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Writer's Insomnia

First of all, let me set the record straight, I meant 'Queen of the Margaritas' not Qween of the Margaritas in my last blog. Did that ever scream at me when I logged on just now!! I wonder how I missed it before?

Enough of that... my mind chatter continues to grow in intensity the more time I spend writing, creating, researching and reading. Last night, after three hours fighting my pillow and reaching my toes around for a comfortable spot, my feet and legs refused to stay still. Restless leg Syndrome, something I have now and then, decided to visit me ~ But I fought back. I got up, walked around, sat in the chair, spun my ankles, kicked my legs. You get the picture. Lucky for me, they calmed down and I sighed into my fickle pillow and poof! I was wide awake with my brain on the march. The thoughts started slapping me in the head from minutae to ridiculous.

Insomnia is something I do not have often but when it does, it seems to leave me ragged and I dislike sleeping in too long the next morning.... JD might drink all the coffee. (Smile). So, today, I'm just sharing thoughts, hoping it might be therapeutic. You know, write it down and maybe it will go away?

I am bubbly with pride over the lovely, very positive comments I am receiving about my newly-published cookbook, COOKING DRUNK. Despite the cookbook taking twenty years to write, it dwells on my soul, I think. It just would not go away! Since it is really more than just a cookbook and includes Wine Tasting 101 among a wealth of other information, I think it is going to be a wonderful success. Thanks to all of you who have already asked for one. I love sharing and invite comments on my web site please! Hugs to all of you from Charles City...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know what you mean; the insomnia-bug is not fun. I find myself up and down several nights of the week, too. Mafia Wars and Bejewelled helps divert my brain so I can unwind and go to sleep; but those early morning commutes to Portland are a killer.