Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Monday, January 18, 2010

Spain and Genealogy

Another Monday closed on my office doors today. Only one more Monday before my upcoming semi-retirement. And my mind is clouded with lists of what to do, when to do it, who to contact, what query letters to create. Lovely.

After reading my two recent research books from the Swem Library at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, I am beginning to have an insight about why my grandparents hit the road from Spain, leaving their homeland. One of the books was very old (1924) and written by a man whose surname was one of ours, Vincente"Blasco" Ibanez. It was intriguing to think he may be an ancestor. His book, ALFONSO xIII UNMASKED, described Alfonso's horrible monarchy, his slyness and the way he lorded it over the Spanish poor and middle classes. He was a teenager when crowned at age 16 just before my grandmother turned 1 year old and it was perfect for my beginning. The research for my book about my grandmother has taken me on a long and crooked road but not without exciting stops along the way. It makes my heart thrum to think about my projected trip to Spain in the Fall of 2010. I will walk where she walked!

The thunder and rain storm we had yesterday (2" of rain) blew away the clouds. Today it was nearly 60 degrees and hard to stay inside... But J.D. is finally able to do outside projects without going stir crazy inside. He is having fun 'traveling' around the internet on the computer and hopes to learn a bit more without needing me to hover over his shoulder.

Have a wonderful day. I am.

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