Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Sunday, March 18, 2012

More documents on their way from España ~

My fingers are itching to touch the documents currently on their way to me -- Six baptismal documents to prove additional great aunts and great uncles existed in Fuentesauco so many years ago. The Spanish documents are cursive, detailing the family lines both maternal and paternal and include birth dates and Godparent names. Sometimes the expectation is like the ketchup bottle advertisement....... AN-TIS-AH-PASHUN...... (See how giddy I am?)

Not only will these documents be proven documention for the existence of Felipe, Agapita, Domingo Pedro, Agustin and Matías (Victorino's record is included) but it will give me a starting point to gather speed to investigate a family story that has been flitting around the Silvans for many years.

I've been told, "One of the brothers didn't go to Hawaii but instead went to South America." The story said it was Agustin but I found him on a ship manifest in 1931 leaving Cuba and returning to Spain. Another story said it was "Hermano" which took me a couple years to realize this brother's name was really Geronimo, pronounced Hermano with the Spanish intonations and dropped letters... I also found him (and his wife) on a ship's manifest --- also leaving Cuba to return to Spain in 1930.

So, who went to South America? Felipe? Matías? Domingo? Where in South America...Argentina? Brazil? Where would I find that ship manifest? Was he turned away due to poor health on the initial trip with the Silvans who rode the Orteric and got dropped off in South America? Did he take a later ship? Earlier? I will have my investigative hat on (with bells on) while I proceed with this batch of questions and maybe...... just maybe I'll find answers!!

So far, in my quest, I have had amazing success and have jumped over several brick walls. For now, I wait for the mail.... any day now!

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