Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Monday, May 23, 2011

THE Marriage Certificate

Today, gazing at the marriage certificate showing my Grandfather Bernardo Ruiz, age 23 and my Grandmother Manuela Silva(n), age 19 gave me goosebumps. Why is it when you read about history, talk about history and know historical facts that it is so different when you actually SEE history in a document such as this?
They were so young with so many dreams. How could they know they'd have 15 children, see 10 grow to adulthood and so many grandchildren would follow?
I feel completely filled up with the intensity and complex life they shared.
After a week on holiday, I am back to work again and following all the 'leads' for the real lives they led.

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