Back in the dark misty times...

Back in the dark misty times...
Genealogy, joyfully discovered ~

Sunday, April 10, 2011

More SILVAN documents ~

Well, what new adventure will happen today, I thought, as I began my morning ritual of tinkering through the family tree in my mind and hoping for a tiny gem to add to my folder of ancestral information. And lo and behold! Alicia G. sent me some stunning documents related to her grandparents, Cristencia and Eusebio Gonzales. Spanish documents like ones I have noted for Cristencia's brothers, Juan Francisco (my great grandfather) and Victorino --- their brother, all of which followed the road from Fuentesauco to Seville and then to Gibralter to get on the ORTERIC and sail to the unknown beautiful islands of Hawaii in 1911. AND a bonus as well = Receipts from the boat tickets that carried the Gonzales family from Honolulu to San Francisco in 1918. $4 tickets!!

My day was jumping and I got a second hit about ten minutes ago. Another Gonzales relative googled their ancestral names and my blog popped up. She contacted me just as ten other descendents have found me and it is my fervent hope to enlarge my family file with more information SOON!

So many families. So many stories. So many documents and so many adventures still ahead. I can hardly wait to walk through the doors of this church, Santa Maria, in FUENTESAUCO in northern Spain and walk along the stone wall beside it to the cemetery within its shadowed realm. To actually see the gravestones of the SILVAN ancestors will be one giant step toward publishing my story. ESPANA IN 2011 ~

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